Simple Pleasures


Went out for a spin up the coast after work with Andrew, David and Corey. Between the workload this quarter and work I've barely had enough time to sleep let alone ride, so today was a real treat. I miss the rush of adrenaline you get from a fast decent. The legs felt really good today going up park side of Torrey Pines. I crave that feeling when lactic acid is building up and your muscles start to clench up, but they don't give into cramps. I've been taking the Orbea out a lot more this year and I can't help but feel that the track bike is getting neglected, but I can't bring myself to give it up. Bikes are for riding. I hope when I finally finish building the Cannondale to my hearts content, it will see some more miles.

Nothing compares to the simple pleasures of riding a bike. ~JFK